poniedziałek, 16 września 2019

I have never liked reading especially texts that were obligatory at school. But this text makes a difference. For some students can be boring, because it is poetry reading but I was amazed by wonderful old-fashioned language and picturesque detailed descriptions. For us, Polish students it is compulsory and everyone who feels Polish needs to read it and to know 'Inwokacja' by heart. It was published in June 1834 in Paris and 'Pan Tadeusz' is known as the last great epic poem in European literature. One main character is the Friar Robak, as it turns out, as a hotheaded nobleman. To sum up, Pan Tadeusz brings the story of two feuding noble families, and the love between the title character, Tadeusz Soplica, and Zosia, a member of the other family. The end of Pan Tadeusz is joyous and hopeful, an optimism that Mickiewicz knew was not confirmed by historical events but which he designed in order to "uplift hearts" in expectation of, eventually, a brighter future. I really recommend this text to read and get to know a little from Polish history.

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